Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hey there Hi there Ho there

Yes, I am still alive. I have just been going through one of those periods in my life in which the treadmill of life is stuck on too fast for conditions. It's mostly good but it has seemed to compress my hours and suck the energy out of me.

Contributions to compressing my time are: (in no particular order):

1. Work - the state of the American economy has affected our business. I'm not complaining; many have it far worse. I am just stating a fact. We are diligently working to attempt to slow the effects of the sagging economy. Not an easy task...but we are giving it a go.

2. My mother - A few weeks ago my 75 year old mother took a fall and broke her her leg quite badly. She is in a rehab facility at this point and my sister and I are working on housing that does not include her going back to her house. She has been showing signs of dementia for some time and despite our best efforts to get her out of her house, she was so reluctant and ornery that we backed off. Well, we can't back off. It's early stage Alzheimer's and the doctors confirmed that she cannot live on her own. I cannot list this one in the "Oh boy, this is fun" category. I'm really glad that I have my sister and my wife to help me with this or I would be totally nutso on this one.

3. Golf - I love it. I need it. The weather here in the Chicago area has been shit for golf! It was 86 degrees yesterday which was the first hint of summer. The temperature this morning was 46 degrees and the high temp for the day will only be in the 50's. Windy, cloudy...I'm really tired of this poor excuse for a climate.

4. Travel - We've been jumping around the country a bit lately. A little vacation and a little work travel combine to make the time seem even tighter. The travel will slow down soon I hope.

Other than my mom, we are all fairly healthy and happy so that's a good thing. Hope to write again soon!